Name: Alekanges
Age: 14
Height: 1.77 m (5 ft 9 in.)
Bio: An adventurous young boy from the old Port. He arrived on the outskirts of the Port one day, not a day older than three, with no memory of how he had gotten there. Alek was adopted by the Port at large, but formed strong ties with few: Zoë, the daughter of the Barkeeper and Alek’s best friend, and an older boy named Keshin, who mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Alek’s clouded past has instilled him with an intense desire to journey to the other Islands in search of his true home. One day however, he discovered his destiny was far greater than he could have ever imagined: he is the one destined to carry a sword of great power…one that prophecy states will lead the world from darkness…

